Dr Zadeh is a neurosurgeon, assistant professor, and clinician scientist the Toronto Western Hospital (University of Toronto). Previously, she worked at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (University College London UK). Her clinical and research focus is on neuro-oncology, with a specialisation in acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas), and minimally invasive endoscopic approaches to anterior skull base sellar and parasellar lesions.
As an active member of the Gamma Knife radiosurgery program, Gelerah has an active peer review funded research laboratory (zadehlab.com) concentrated on molecular mechanisms of tumour vascularization and responses to radiation therapy with the University Health Network (Toronto).
Her team of health care professionals is committed to treating patients with brain tumours, improving overall outcomes and management of the disease burden, while learning to understand why tumours develop to create new treatment strategies.
Dr Zadeh is the Director of Krembril Brain Institute at Toronto Western Hospital, the largest neuro-surgical department in Canada and considered to be a world leader in advancing neurosurgical care. She is also the Head of Neurosurgery at the University Health Network; the Wilkins Family Chair in Brain Tumour Research; the Chair and Professor, Neurosurgery Department, University of Toronto; a Senior Scientist at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre; and the Chair of ANAC's Scientific Medical Affairs Committee.